This week in the picture at Vinterior…

SABRE was born out of a resolute conviction that it was possible to marry usefulness and pleasure, avant-garde and tradition, expertise and freedom.

Each item is thus the result of traditional savoir-fairs and a hitherto unseen artistic freedom, which fosters colours, patterns and the mix of new materials.
The paramount factor of this success is its subtle and bubbly audacity. A poetry of materials, shapes and colours. Just like Arthur Rimbaud with vowels, SABRE dresses up cutlery and porcelain, offering infinity of combinations. It is up to you to pick your own palette of colours and material in order to turn your table into a unique sharing and lively place.
SABRE sets the ground for emotions and inspiration by bringing colour and all sorts of shapes. Starting from the cutlery, they disperse light and happiness to your every day life.

And that’s what we love at Vinterior…