Trudon' story begins in 1643...
The candles are the Maison Trudon emblematic products. They are manufactured at the Trudon workshop in Normandy using unrivaled know-how inherited from master candle makers. Each glass is unique and hand-crafted in Tuscany. Their shape is inspired by champagne buckets.
When Englishman Edward Foxhall discovered sandalwood on the Isle of Pines, New-Caledonia, in 1840, it was, then, unknown in Europe. By the end of the 19th Century, the noble spiced wood had quite a pedigree: named ‘candana’ in Sanskrit, or ‘sandal’ in Arabic, it was used as a precious ointment for the hair and body. A remedy against anxiety, it still billows today, seamlessly embedded in the smoke of Asian incense.
Head Notes: Cardamom
Heart Notes: Sandalwood essential oil
Base Notes: Guaiac wood
Weight 270g Burning - time 55 to 60 hours
Dimensions: H: 10,5 cm Ø: 9 cm